In the hospitality industry,
you need a system that’s consistently
moving your prospects to close.
The B2B sales cycle is just too long to waste time on ‘one and done’ strategies that don’t produce results.
That’s why you need a copywriting service that specializes in hospitality technology, and nothing else.
Hello, My name is Jeremiah Magone
I’m an AWAI trained copywriter with a ton of hard-earned experience from marketing my own businesses and living in various countries around the world.
What has that experience shown me above everything else?
Effective follow-up is the key to steady revenue growth.
That’s where persuasive copywriting comes in to super-fuel your B2B sales efforts.
Hospitality Copywriting lets you systematically:
Follow-up is essential for building B2B relationships. Businesses that understand that fact lower their marketing expense, enjoy more repeat business and larger contracts. Those that don’t – fail.
Hotel owners are too busy to talk and GMs hate dealing with sales calls. That’s why you need sales materials that can keep your leads hot and overcome buying objections over the span of several months.
An effective sales funnel takes the work out of nurturing leads, guarantees your business a constant stream of pre-sold prospects and allows you to invest your time and energy where it belongs – closing more deals.