How do I know if we’re a good fit?

#1 How do I know if we're a good fitHow do I know if we’re a good fit?


In my opinion, this is one of the most important questions there is.  Because when you get it right, everyone stands to benefit.

So what are the most important key indicators of a successful future business relationship for you?

I’m sure everyone has their own opinion on this, so I can really only let you know how I think about it.  But if you agree with how I look at it, then it seems we have some important things in common.  And that bodes very well.


  1. You know what you’re doing well in your business.

I’m not one to recommend any kind of copywriting service without getting a solid understanding of the direction of your company.  For this reason, prospective clients that already know what works for them are the best.  That’s not saying that I won’t recommend something that’s outside of their regular marketing channels to compliment something they’re already doing.  It just means that, without a clear picture of their foundation, of where everything needs to lead back to in the end, how can we make sure the appeal of what we’re doing works to multiply their current sales?  If we know where we’re going, then we also know that when we step on the gas – we’ll get there faster.


  1. You’ve established a lot of soft business partnerships.

I can’t emphasize the importance of channel partners enough.  Not only does this give your business an organic way to evolve, from the inside and outside, it also breeds a certain spirit of cooperation.  Building partnerships helps us to listen, to consider other’s points of view and work to make our current business as good as it can possibly be for everyone involved.  When you create strategic partnerships, you aren’t just involved in sharing leads, projects and profits, you’re engaged in something much more substantial.  You’re sharing the thoughts, hopes and dreams of other business men and women around the world.


  1. You’re service minded.

I don’t take on projects where the product or service doesn’t deliver an amazing benefit to the consumer.  Having a true mind for providing quality after-service to your customers fits into this equation.  Why?  Because no matter how much you try these days, you can’t succeed without lots of positive testimonials spread out across the social web.  If you’ve got that, you’ve got reputation.  You’ve got credibility.  And then everything you do, whether it’s a new product launch or some kind of summer campaign to drum up your fan base, you’re going to have much better results.  I love working with companies that understand this cause-and-effect relationship… because when I deliver quality work, it’s often meet with spectacular results.


  1. Your call staff knows how to save a sale.

Believe it or not, but the opinions and the experience of your call staff are often provide the most informative insights for copywriting projects.  Don’t tell the research companies I told you this, but if you have a happy, caring group of individuals working in your call department, chances are that they are so much closer to the needs, wants and desires of your customers than anyone else.  They’ve heard it all.  They’ve dealt with the good and the bad.  And they know what people really mean to say when anyone else would just hear complaints.  If you’ve got a call staff that knows how to turn those disgruntled calls into fruitful customer communication, then you’ve also got the deepest insights into your buyer’s minds, locked up right under your nose.  Working together to unlock these secrets is one of the best parts of my job – because this research often brings breakthrough results.


  1. You’re invested in training your sales team.

Did you know that 95% of sales people don’t spend time or money investing in their own sales development?  They spend money on gyms, tennis lessons and whatever else they talk about on Monday morning, but sales training… not so much.  That’s why, when I see companies that DO spend their time and resources on improving the level of their salesmanship, it says something substantial about that company’s spirit, prowess and growth trajectory.  It also shows me that my marketing materials will truly be appreciated.  Case studies, for example, are not just another piece of marketing collateral for your sales force to pull from when then need arises.  Instead, these ‘success stories’ are a reason to call every old lead they can think of so they can book another 20 appointments before the end of the month.


  1. You’re focused.

Explaining why you might need a certain type of copywriting project is not my thing.  With the fees I charge, I should never have to explain the value of what I bring to the table.  You should already understand – because you’re so focused on your business that you know, this is what you need to improve your sales rates.  That’s because you understand exactly what steps your prospects have to go through to become qualified leads, to become opportunities… and ultimately, you know what it takes to win their business.  Your customers always have a choice to make.  There are a wide variety of options.  And you know that – because you’re focused on their buying behavior.  Yet, with that focus, you also know exactly how to get them to focus on you and your company’s services and products.  If you’ve already build a lean-mean-selling machine, then I know you’ll appreciate the best marketing ‘weapons’ money can buy.


It’s often hard to discover all of these important facts during a first conversation.  Just as I remember it with roommates during college – the beginning of any relationship is often full of optimism, only to be let down by bad habits the next week.  But with business I think it’s different.  We can’t put on a face when we meet people and then let quality go by the wayside.  Because, 1. That’s no way to build a business, and more importantly, 2. Having a clear picture of ‘fit’ in the working relationship also gives you some very important indicators of copywriting success, both in the short and the long term.

That’s what I mean by “fit”.  That’s what I look out for.  And, when you’re looking for a copywriter that will compliment your business and help build your profitability – so should you.